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SakPaséLearnHaitianCreole: Learn Haitian Creole Lessons,Sak Pasé, Nap Boulé, Speak Creole
Friday, December 23, 2011
Wisdom from Haitian Proverb and Haitian Creole
Friday, August 5, 2011
Free Excerpt Download from "Quick Haitian Creole Grammar Reference" Textbook
....Wi – yes
Non – no
Explanations of Wi and No in a sentence:
Use “Wi – yes” with positive declaration sentences. Non is used with negative declarative sentences.
Exercises – Egzèsis:
Ki sa? What ? Sa ? what?
Ki sa sa-a ye? What is this ?
Sa ou pral fè lavil? (What are you going to do downtown ?)
Sa ou ap chache la-a? (What are you looking for here ?)
Sa ou bezwen? Sa w bezwen? Ki sa ou bezwen? (What do you need ?)
Ki sa ou fè lè ou malad ? What do you do when you get sick ?
M-al nan dispansè-a / I go to the healthy station.
Repete – Repeat
Ki sa sa-a ye?
Se yon zeguy – It is a needle
Ki sa sa-a ye?
Se yon mato – It is a hammer
Eske gen yon tibokit sou sab la? Is there a pale on the sand ?
Ki kote? Kote? Ki bò? Where?
Ki kote ou travay? Where?
Ki kote ou ap travay? Ki bò ou ap travay ? Where are you working ?
M’ap travay nan izin nan – I am working in the factory
Ki kote ou prale? – Where are you going?
M pral legliz (church)
M pral nan mache (market)
M pral Pòtoprens (Port-au-Prince
M pral anba lavil (downtown)
M pral lapòs (Post office)
M pral lekòl (school)
M pral danse nan rara (popular music and dance)
M pral nan kanaval (carnival)
M pral Fòlibète – I am going to Fort Liberté
M pral Kap Ayisyen. Kap Ayisyen nan nò peyi dayiti
Ki kote lèkay ye? Lèkay nan sid peyi a
Ki kote Jakmèl ye?
Ki kote Gonayiv ye?
Ki bò Jeremi ye?
Ki sa ou pral fè lavil ?
M pral voye yon lèt ak yon kasèt bay manman-m k’ap viv Nouyòk ( I am going to send a letter and a casette tape to my mother who is living in New York)
M pran nan mache Fè pou-m sa achte materyèl lekòl pou timoun yo (I am going to the Iron Market to buy school supplies for the kids)
Nòt Kreyol: Translation of the Preposition “To” indicating motion to a place:
Kreyòl uses “Nan” before the noun indicating the place to express motion to a place. Also, keep in mind that nouns that refer to specified, unique places usually do not need the definite article. For example, I am going to church – M pral legliz; I am going to school – M pral lekòl.
Ki kote konpè Jak prale? Where brother Jak going ?
Li pral travay nan jaden li - He is going to work in his garden.
Poukisa – Why?
Poukisa tout timoun sa yo ap mache yonn dèyè lòt konsa? Y-ap mache an fil endyen – Why are all these kids walking in line like this ?
Se yon pwosesyon. Gen yon mès nan legliz katolik la – It is a procession. There is a mass at the catholic church.
Pè-a pral bay lamès – The priest is going to preside over the mass
Ki moun ki / Ki moun - Who, whom
Ki moun ki pral Kanada? Who is going to Canada?
Ki moun ou vle envite nan fèt ou a ? Whom do you want to invite to your party ?
Ki moun ki vle ede-m? Who wants to help me?
Ki moun ki konn danse ? Who knows how to dance ?
Eske ou konnen yon moun ki konn pale alman? (Do you know somebody who knows German ?)
Ki moun ki pale fransè nan legliz la ? Who speaks French in church ?
Pa gen moun ki pale fransè ak alman nan legliz la – There is nobody who speaks French and German in the church
Possessive in Creole
Whose is it? Se pou ki moun?
(Belonging to, pertaining to, indicating possession)
Bato sa-a se pou Jan. Se bato Jan.
Se rad Tipapa. Rad sa-a se pou Tipapa
Notes / Nòt: An easy way to understand and express possession in Haitian Creole is to have the noun referring to what is owned followed by the name of the owner. If a pronoun follows a noun, it is used as a possessive adjective.
Examples: Se lajan/kòb Delòm. Se kòb li – (It’s Delòm’s money. It is his money)
Se chokola Manno ak Wobè. Se chokola yo – It is Manno and Robert’s chocolate. It is their chocolate.
Se vwazin Terèz – Se vwazin li – She is Teresa’s neighbor. She is her neighbor
Se liv Joslen. Se liv li – It is Jocelyn’s book. It is his.
Se mallet Jisten. Se malèt li – It is Justin’s suitcase. It is his suitcase.
Konbyen? – How much / How many?
Konbyen rad ou wè nan chanm nan? - How many pieces of cloth do you see in the room ?
M wè yon chemiz (shirt), yon pè pantalon (pants), yon mayo (t-shirt), yon pè soulye (a pair of shoes), de pè sapat (a pair of thongs), yon kravat (tie), de jip (skirt) yon pè chosèt (socks), yon pè tenis (a pair of tennis shoes) epi yon ba (stockings)
Other forms of possession: Asking questions
Pou ki moun kay sa yo ye? Poukiyès kay sa yo ye? Whose are those houses?
Pou ki moun plim sa-a ye? Poukiyès plim sa-a ye? Whose is this pen?
Pou ki moun kreyon sa-a ye? Poukiyès kreyon sa-a ye? Whose is this pencil?
Sa yo se kay leta (kay gouvènman) – These are government houses /buidings
Pouki moun plaj sa yo ye? Poukiyès plaj sa yo ye? Se plaj prive
Whose are these beaches? They are private beaches
Eske ou gen yon bagay? Do you have anything (something)?
Non. M pa gen anyen – No, I do not have anything
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Listen to "Godfather's Mercy - Parenn Pran Pitye!"
Get the Haitian Creole text right on this page
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Learn French, English, and Haitian Creole with this new booklet. Read the story of Tijan and his godfather, Mr. Bonifas!
Now you can also purchase Godfather's Mercy: Parenn, Pitye or Parenn Pran Pitye! at Kindle Amazon or AmazonKindle
This is only an excerpt of the ebook, "Godfather's Mercy: Pitye, Parenn or Parenn Pran Pitye..."
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Translation :
Poukisa Tijan P-al Lekòl –
Why Tijan Does Not Go To School
The Godfather’s Mercy – Parenn Pran Pitye
Once upon a time a little boy named Tijan decided to learn how to read and write. Tijan was born in a little village located next to Léogâne, Haiti, on top of a huge mountain called Katwen. He is Mrs. Altidor’s second child. He has an older sister who is living with her father’s relatives. Tijan’s older sister’s name is Marijo. Tijan does not have the same father as Marijo. In fact, he does not know his father. Marijo’s father has sent her to school. Tijan does not have a parent who can send him to school.
Every year, he gets very sad when he sees his older sister’s new uniform, shoes, socks, books and other supplies. Tijan would like to learn how to read and write too but his father did not recognize him.
Mrs. Altidor can not help Tijan find his father. She does not know the identity of her son’s father. Mrs. Altidor does not remember anything at all because she is always drunk. She enjoys drinking Tafia (a strong alcoholic beverage in Haiti), alcohol, and smoking cigarettes. When she earns any money, she wastes it in beverages, junk food, and fried goodies. That is why Marijo’s father had taken her away from her.
Tijan is ten years old now. His friends have started to tease him and to call him names such as “idiot, dumb beast, animal.” They thought he was imbecile. However, he knows he is not dumb. He has a plan. “If only the plan can work, I will be able to show everybody that I am an intelligent guy.”
That is how Tijan decided to walk to the residence of his godfather who was living in the city of Léogâne. His godfather had a lot of contacts in town. He has sent all of his children to school. Mr. Bonifas took pity of Tijan who broke out crying and complaining.
“It looks like you are moving away, Tijan!” remarked Mr. Bonifas as he spotted him. “Where is your mother? Why did she not come with you?”
“Godfather, I want to live with you. I can not take it any longer up in the mountain,” Tijan replied. “Manman-m, my mother does not want to do anything for me. All the money she earns goes to her alcohol. I am ten years old. I do not know how to read and write.”
Surprised, Mr. Bonifas asked, “Your mother has not sent you to school?”
“No. She is drunk all the time. She does not have a dry day. She has no time to think about such things.”
“Your mother has never told you about your father.”
“No. Do you know my father? You know I am fatherless. Marijo has a father. She is living at her grandparents’ home.”
Mr. Bonifas looked at his eyes. He did not utter a word. Neither did he try to answer his question or reveal his father’s identity.
“What were you doing during all these years?”
“Every year I thought my mother was going to send me to school. But she never had time to do that.”
Mr. Bonifas became meditative. He was taken aback by his godson’s declarations. He thought Tijan had the same providing father as his older sister, Marijo.
“Alcohol is a bad thing. It is a vice. The woman neglected her responsibility because of tafia. That is what is destroying the country.”
Mr. Bonifas opened the back door of the store. He took the little box of clothes and sandals that Tijan had carried. That was all his possession. He placed it in a room behind the counter. He said, “Welcome home! Welcome to my home! I am going to do all I can do for you. I am going to raise you just like my ten sons and daughters.”
“Am I going to become your 11th child?”
“Yes. You are my godson, Tijan. The only thing I ask is to work hard at the store and at school.”
Mr. Bonifas telephoned his wife to announce the news of Tijan’s arrival.
“Darling, I have news for you. Do you remember my godson who lives on top of the mountain of Léogâne?”
“Hello darling. Yes, I do. The mountain people who know have told me that she has no more strength to walk down to trade around here. She drinks too much tafia.”
“Aha! You know her very well.”
“She is a drunkard. She has other vices too. She smokes. No men want to stay with her too long. Did they ever find out who the father of her son is?”
“Cheri, darling. I can not answer this question.”
“Why not, honey?”
This is only an excerpt of the ebook, "Godfather's Mercy: Pitye, Parenn or Parenn Pran Pitye..."
Get the whole story right here:
Purchase a copy of this book at Smashwords.com
Now you can also purchase this book at Kindle Amazon or AmazonKindle
Sunday, June 26, 2011
You Think Haitian and New Orleans Voodoo is Powerful? Inquire about The Power of Labib Kreyol and Haitian Books of Hope and Faith
Here is a review of this book: "Allelluia Haitian Chants of Hope and Faith: Praise to Thee, O Lord, King of Eternal Glory... is a listing of the most requested songs or hymns on ChandesperansOnline.com. It is the web site users' and authors' selections of their favorite hymns from the famous Chants d'esperance Francais et Creoles Haitiens. The authors of this release grew up singing these songs in the church and parochial schools they attended. They are songs such as "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" -"Quel Ami Fidele et Tendre Nous Avons en Jesus-Christ," "Quel Repos, Quel Repos" - "It is Well, It is Well...," etc. This book is a personal affair for the authors as they share their love of singing in French and Haitian creole..."
Sing along with Haitian Children! Canten con los chicos Haitianos. This compilation is for those who want to sing along with Haitian Children at christian venues, outreach mission trips, schools, churches and elsewhere. Some of the songs are short choruses...
Start playing some of these choruses on your guitar or piano and the Haitian children will follow you. They will sing with you. All throughout the country, these songs are are sung in most churches or revival centers.
These are songs I used to sing with the children of my Sunday school class. L'ecole du Dimanche or Sunday school can be a lot of fun with the right selection of songs.
Just in case you are interested in having more songs, here is a new book of choruses, short Haitian hymns, Lullaby and Play songs published on this link:
Ala Ou Gran! Ala Ou Gran! How great thou art! How great thou art! Popular Haitian Children’s Choruses, Lullaby, Haitian Creole and French Church Hymns, and Other Play Songs
You can purchase this book from Barnes and Noble's PubIt now
You can buy this book at Amazon Kindle Store now

Canten con los Chicos Haitianos! Sing along with Haitian Children by getting a copy of this new 10-song CD for your youth group, sunday school and church activities.
Haitian Children's Choruses, Church Songs and Bonus Pack CD
Product ID: 3064
Product Name: Haitian Chants of Hope
Buy Now From CCNow
Product ID: 3068
Product Name: Most Popular Haitian Children's Choruses, Church and Play Songs
Buy Now From CCNow
Canten con los Chicos Haitianos! Sing along with Haitian Children by getting a copy of this new 10-song CD for your youth group, sunday school and church activities.

Sunday, May 1, 2011
Free Complete Text of "Vwala Se Te Yon Fwa" Once Upon a Time, One of the Two Stories in "Two Haitian Tales...Koukouyoukou, Kikiriki, Cocorico, etc"
Once Upon a Time
Krik? Krak! Vwala se te yon fwa!
Vwala se te yon fwa yon tigason ki rele Traka Pongongon deside kreye istwa tout kote li t-ap kouri. Toutbon se konsa manman-l ak papa-l te rele-l. Traka Pongongon viv daprè non-l. Li pa-t bay moun okenn desepsyon paske li te konn kreye tout kalite traka ak tèt chaje pou moun nan kanton kote li t-ap viv ak fanmi li. Tout abitan nan kanton an te konnen li trè byen. Traka Pongongon te toujou ap chèche opòtunite pou-l kreye briganday. Fè dezòd fè kè-l kontan anpil. Men paske paran li te bon moun, abitan vilaj Bèlvil yo pa pote plent ba yo. Paran Traka Pongongon te moun debyen, tout moun te respekte yo nan kanton an. Mesye TimTim ak Madan Bwasèch panse yo te elve pititgason yo a byen. Yo pa konnen sa-k rive-l oswa ki sa ki fè-l chanje konsa. Yo te gen bon kalite panse sou jan pou elve timoun yo. Aprètou, Bèlvil se te yon ti kanton kote tout granmoun elve tout timoun.
Lè Traka Pongongon te gen douzan, li vin yon bon jwè foutbòl. Tout moun Bèvil mennen pitit yo vin gade match li yo. Li rapid sou tèren an. Li pase boul la byen. Paske Traka te toujou ap kouri toupatou, li te nan bòn kondisyon fizik. Li renmen patisipe nan klas edukasyon fizik li. Li te toujou fè devwa-l. Traka resevwa bòn nòt nan egzamen matematik ak syans. Mèt oubyen pwofesè li yo di ke li te yon bon jan elèv tou.
Traka Pongongon te renmen fabrike istwa. Anpil moun kòmanse kwè yo paske li te toujou ap kouri nan tout kwen lokalite yo. Li te wè tout sa ki t-ap pase nan lòt zòn yo. Paske li te yon bon atlèt, tout moun ba li pwoteksyon. Epi yo te konnen papa-l ak manman-l tou! Men sa pa-t anpeche-l lage tout bèt li rankontre sou wout li.
”Bèt sa yo bezwen libète tou. Yo pa-t fèt pou yo rete yon sèl kote.” Men li pa di pèson sa-l t-ap fè pandan li t-ap kouri nan kanton an. Se konsa kabrit, kochon, bèf, mulèt, chwal, ak bourik tonbe kouri al bò lanmè a. Li pa-t ka wè yon bèt mare nan yon pak oswa anba yon pyebwa. Traka tonbe kouri ak bèt sa yo tou. Men mèt bèt yo pa-t ka rive konnen ki moun ki lage yo. Yo pa-t kontan ditou.
Pousyè leve lè tout bèt sa yo kòmanse kouri. Yo tout t-ap dirije yo vè yon sèl destinasyon. Sous la oswa twou dlo-a te touprè lanmè-a. Lè mèt bèt yo pa-t jwenn yo kote yo te mare yo a, yo kòmanse chèche yo. Se konsa yonn aprè lòt, tout fèmye yo desann nan sous la pou reklame bèt pa yo.
Yon jou, aprè li fin fè devwa-l, Traka Pongongon deside kouri al anba lavil. Pandan li te sou wout lakay li, li pase sou plaj Bèlvil. Se la li deside fabrike istwa sa-a.
Nan platon tankou nan mòn, Traka t-ap kouri rakonte sa-l fèk sot wè sou plaj la. Li te konnen anpil moun pa ale sou plaj lè mèkredi. Mèkredi se jou mache. Tout moun andeyò yo desann anba lavil pou y-al vann danre yo. Se s-ak fè li kouri pase nan mache a pou-l wè si-l te plen ak moun. Machann ze, machann fwi, machann diri, machann poul, machann vyann, machann fridòdòy, machann fritay, machann pwason, machann pistach, machann mamba, machann pwa ak machann bannan te rive nan mache a byen bonè. Yo kòmanse vann machandiz yo anban tant yo. Tout sa yon moun te bezwen, yo te ka jwenn li la. Pou jan mache a te boure ak moun, Traka te konnen li te chwazi yon bon jou pou-l rakonte istwa li a. Li pa-t ka tann li rankontre yon moun avan li tonbe anonse gwo evènman an.
“Pandan m te sou plaj Bèlvil la, m te wè yon gwo balèn ki vin ateri sou plaj la. Li tèlman gwo, pa-t gen sab ki pa-t kouvri. Balèn nan blayi sou wòch, sab, ak chèz bò lanmè-a. “
Se sa Traka t-ap di tout moun li rankontre. Li di timoun kon granmoun. Tout moun te vle wè gwo labalèn sa-a. Yo tonbe kouri al sou plaj la. Moun sa yo kòmanse rele zanmi yo sou telefòn pòtab yo. Yon gwoup zanmi telefone yon lòt gwoup zanmi. Sa w tande a, nouvèl la gaye byen vit. Moun kòmanse ap kouri al bò lanmè a! Timoun kon granmoun t-ap kouri britsoukou ak gwo kontantman!
Traka Pongongon tonbe ri san li pa kite moun wè-l ap ri. Li kontinye ap anonse nouvèl balèn ki aterí sou bò lanmè-a. Pwiske Traka te kòmanse chèn anons sa yo, li pa-t ka konte konbyen moun ki t-ap swiv anons yo. Lòt moun ki rankontre-l koumanse ba li menm gwo nouvèl la tou.
“Hey, ou pa-t tande sa. Gen yon gwo balèn ki kole sou plaj la. Ou vle vin ede nou pouse-l retounen nan lanmè-a?“ Yo di-l. Traka pa-t rann ni kont ke li menm tou tap resevwa gwo nouvèl sa-a. Eske li kòmanse kwè istwa li tou ?
Traka rankontre moun ki t-ap soti nan mache a. Li ba yo menm nouvèl la. Lè li rive nan mitan mache a, li rele avèk tout fòs li pou li bay mesaj sa-a :
“Koute! Koute! Tout moun, koute mesaj sa-a ! Gen yon balèn ki kole sou plaj la. Li tèlman gwo, li pran tout plaj la. Pa gen moun ki ka naje. M wè-l ak de je-m. Gen anpil moun k-ap eseye ede-l. Nou bezwen plus moun pou pouse-l tounen nan lanmè-a kote li rete. Si nou pa fè vit, nou ka pa gen tan wè-l. “
Traka potkò fin pale, moun tonbe kouri al sou plaj Bèlvil. Yo tout enterese nan istwa gwo balèn nan. Traka t-ap kouri avèk yo tou. Sa w tande a, mache a kraze tou! Prèske tout klyan oswa pratik yo kite sa yo t-ap fè pou yo ka wè balèn nan. Gen machann ki pèdi kòb paske klyan yo tonbe kouri avèk kòb yo nan pòch yo.
Pandan m t-ap pase nan mache-a, m tande nouvèl la tou. M pran kouri avèk tout rès espektatè yo tou. Men kòm te gen anpil moun sou plaj la, moun koumanse pouse moun ki t-ap pouse balèn nan tounen nan lanmè-a. Pandan nou tout te la, yo gwo lanm lanmè vin kouvri tout kò balèn nan. Li leve tèt li epi li gade tout moun. Se lè sa-a, tout moun fè bak. Yo wè li gen yon sèl je. Yo pran rele aprè yo fin mouye ! Anmentan, balèn nan respire epi li kòmanse sekwe kò-l. Li pouse dlo deyò. Li kòmanse naje. Lè li rive nan fon lanmè a, li plonje. Sa-m te wè se sèlman ke balèn nan. Juskaprezan, gen moun k-ap di pa-t gen yon balèn ki te ateri, blayi sou plaj la. Anfen, te gen plus moun ki pa-t gen chans wè-l pase moun ki te wè-l.
Pandan moun ki te mouye yo t-ap seche rad yo, m kouri tankou pongongon pou-m rakonte nou bèl ti istwa sa-a.
Vwala Se Te Yon Fwa
Once Upon a Time
Once upon a time, a boy named Traka Pongongon decided to create stories everywhere he was running. That’s how his parents truly called him. Traka Pongongon lived according to his name. He did not deceive anybody because he knew how to create all kinds of trouble and misery for the residents of BellVille where he was living with his family. All the inhabitants of the town knew him very well. Traka Pongongon was always looking for opportunities to create trouble. Making mischief made him happy. However, because Traka’s parents were good standing residents of the town, the residents did not complain to them that much. Everyone respected Traka Pongongon’s parents because they were nice people. Mr. Tim Tim and Mrs. BwaSèch thought they had raised their son well. They did not know what had happened to him and what had made him change so drastically. They had great ideas about how to raise their children. After all, BelleVille was a little town were all adults raised all children.
When Traka Pongongon was ten, he became a very good soccer player. All the residents of BelleVille brought their kids to watch his matches. He was fast on the field. He passed the ball very well. Because Traka was running everywhere he was going, he was in good physical shape. He enjoyed participating in his P.E. classes. He always did his homework. He received good grades from his Math and Sciences tests. His teachers said he was a well-rounded student too.
Traka Pongongon enjoyed making up stories. Many people started to believe them because he was running every corner of the region. He saw everything that was going on in the other areas. Everybody respected him because he was a good athlete. And all the residents knew his parents too. But that did not prevent him from letting loose all the animals he encountered on his way.
“These animals need their freedom. They were not created to stay in one spot all the time.“ Traka never told anybody what he was up to while jogging around. That’s how goats, pigs, mules, horses, and donkeys ran down to the beach. Traka could not see an animal tied in a corral or under the shade of a tree. Then, he started running with the animals too. However, the owners of these animals, the farmers, could not get to know who was behind the release of their animals. They were not happy at all.
Dust rose when all these animals started running around. They were all running to one destination : the water hole that was close to the beach. When the owners of the animals did not find them where they had tied them, they started to look for them. That’s how, one after the other, the farmers went down to the water hole to reclaim their animals.
One day, after he had completed his homework, Traka decided to run downtown. On his way back home, he decided to drop by BelleVille beach. That is where he decided to imagine his next story.
On flatlands as well as over the hills, Traka was running and telling others about what he had just seen on BelleVille beach. He knew many people did not go to the market on Wednesdays. Wednesdays are market days. Mountain dwellers come downtown to sell their crops. That is why he ran to the market to see whether it was filled with merchants and shoppers. Egg merchants, fruit merchants, rice merchants, chicken merchants, meat merchants, junk food merchants, fried food merchants, fish merchants, peanut merchants, peanut butter merchants, bean merchants, and plantain merchants arrived early at the market. They have started selling their merchandise under their tent. Everything one wanted could be found there. For the way the market was filled with people¸Traka knew he had chosen a good day to tell his tale. He could not wait to encounter somebody before he could inform him/her of his huge event.
« While I was on BelleVille beach, I witnessed a huge whale that got stranded there. It was so big that there was no sand left uncovered. The whale rested on the rocks, sand, and beach chairs. »
That is what Traka was telling everybody he encountered. He was telling children as well as adults. Everybody wanted to see this huge whale. They ran down to the beach to see it. These people called their friends on their cell phones. One group of friends telephoned another group of friends. In no time, the news went viral. Various groups of people were running down to the beach. All of a sudden, children as well as grownups were running with so much excitement.
Traka Pongongon hid his laughter. He did not want to let anybody see him laughing. Nonetheless, he continued to announce the news of the huge whale that got stranded on the beach. Since he started his chain of announcement, he could not know how many people were following them. Others who met him started to give him the same breaking news too.
« Hey, you did not hear about this. There is a huge whale that got stranded on the beach. Do you want to come help us push it back to the ocean ? » they said to him. Traka did not realize that he too would receive the same breaking news from others. Did he start to believe his own story ?
Traka met people who were coming back from the market. He shared the same news with them. When he got to the middle of the market, he summoned all his courage and strength to deliver this message :
« Listen up. Listen up. Everybody, listen up. There is a huge whale that landed on the beach. It is so huge that it takes over the whole beach. There is no swimmer who can get in there. Nobody can swim there ! I saw it with my own eyes. There are many people who are working hard to help it. We need more people to help push it back into the ocean. If you do not hurry up, you may not have time to see it. »
Traka did not even finish his speech that his listeners started running down to the beach. All of them were interested in the story of the huge stranded whale. Traka was running with them too. In no time, the market was no more. Vendors as well as shoppers left at once. Almost all the clients, the regular customers left what they were doing to go see the whale. There were merchants who lost money because the customers started running away with their money in their pockets.
As I was passing by the empty market, I heard the news too. I started running with the rest of all the spectators. But as there were many people on the beach, people started pushing people who were pushing the whale back into the ocean. While we were all there, a huge wave came in and covered the body of the whale. The whale raised its head and looked at everybody. Everyone ran away from it or moved back. They saw it had only one eye. They pushed a huge roar as they got submerged. The huge wave got them all wet. At the same time, the whale breathed and started shaking its massive body. It flapped and threw water. It started swimming away. When the whale got deep enough in the ocean, it dove. Then, the next thing I saw was only the tail of the whale.
Until now there are people who keep saying that there was no whale that landed and rested on the beach. All in all, there were more people who did not have any chance to see it than those who did see it.
While the people who got wet were drying up their clothes, I ran like Pongongon did in order to tell you this beautiful story.
The Whale That Got Stranded on BelleVille, Haiti and the Rooster That Never Stopped Crowing -(Two Haitian Tales for Children)
In Haitian Creole, we interpret it as: Koukouyoukou or Kikiriki
In English, we interpret the sound to be: cock-a-doodle-doo
In French, we believe it to be: cocorico
In Dutch, it is believed to be: kukeleku
In German we associate with: kikeriki
In Spanish, it is believed to be Quiquiriki
What's the sound of roosters in your own language? What do you interpret to be?
In this book, "Two Haitian Tales....Vwala Se Te Yon Fwa (Once Upon a Time) and Koukoyoukou, Kikiriki.." you will find the story of the whale that got stranded on BelleVille beach (Haitian city) and the rooster that never stopped crowing when danger threatened the inhabitants of Little Paradise (TiParadi), Haiti.
Get these two Haitian stories that come with translation and vocabulary at Kindle Direct Publishing now
Get these two Haitian stories that come with translation and vocabulary at Kindle Direct Publishing now
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Sample Text Accompanying "Listen to Haitian Creole CD for iPad, Kindle, Android, and iPhones: How Do You Say...? Ki Jan Nou Di...?"

..........Pase – spent, past, expired – Egzanp: Semèn pase – last week; Farin nan pase – the flour is expired.
** Ou pale kreyol anpil – You speak Creole a lot
** Pitimi – millet. Egzanp: Avan ou manje pitimi, ou supoze pile-l, laye-l epi kwit li – Before you can eat millet, you are supposed to remove the shells by grinding it in a huge mortar, separate the good from the bad parts and cook it.
** San wont – Without shame. Egzanp: Without shame, she stole the woman’s purse – San wont, li vòlè valiz madanm nan
** Se ou menm ki ka di-l sa pou-l – You are the only one who can tell her what to do (The idea is that she will not pay attention to anybody else).
** M bezwen pale avèk entèl – I need to talk to so and so
Gonfle – to air up, to put air in the balloon. Egzanp: Gonfle balon an oswa boul la / Gonfle blad la – Air up the ball / Air up the balloon
** Gonfle / Konstipe – Constipated. Egzanp: Pa manje anpil avan ou al kouche. Ou ka gonfle. Annik pase yon tibayay (tibagay) nan bouch! – Do not eat before you go to bed. You can get constipated. Just eat something light!
Manje anpil patat dòmi ka fè ou gonfle – Eating a lot of preserved sweet potatoes may make you constipated.
** M bouke epi m okupe nan travay mwen – I am tired and busy at work
Tout timoun ka aprann Kreyol sou AyPad – All children can learn Haitian Creole on iPad
Granmoun ka aprann Kreyol ak Fransè sou MP3/PM3 ak Android (andwoyid) – Adults can learn Haitian Creole and French on MP3 and Android........
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Quakes and Tsunamis! A New Children's Book
Book Review
Purchase this book right on this page
"Earthquakes & Tsunamis: Where Were You? Ki Kote Nou Te Ye?....Haitian Children Quake Survivors' Prayers for Japanese Children is a children's and Young Adult (YA) book. Where Were You? Ki Kote Nou Te Ye? Dónde Estuvieron? Earthquakes, Tsunami Stories, and Prayers from Chilean, Haitian, and New Zealand Children to Japanese Children is a children's and young adult book that allows children who survive natural disasters to tell their stories and talk about their fears and hope for a better tomorrow. In Where Were You? Ki Kote Nou Te Ye? Dónde Estuvieron?, Haitian children who survived a 35-second quake talk about their chain of events and send payers and comfort to Japanese children who went through a 5-minute quake, dvastating inland tsunami, and fear of nuclear radiation. Visit http://haitiancreolemp3.libsyn.com or http://childrenscreolebooks.blogspot.com or http://kreyolpalekreyolkonprann.blogspot.com to find additional Haitian Creole resources."
Purchasing Links:

Purchase this new title, "Earthquakes and Tsunamis: Where Were You?....Haitian, Chilean, and New Zealand Children Send Prayers to Japanese Children" at Kindle Direct Publishing on Amazon.com
Monday, March 7, 2011
2011WordMarketCarnival Links: 101 Haitian Creole Reading Exercises
Welcome to the 2011 WordMarketCarnival! "2011 Word Market Carnival: 101 Haitian Creole Exercises That Help Improve Speaking and Reading Skills" The texts that accompany this episode are posted on the following blogs:
Enjoy these reading exercises that make use of some of the most popular Kreyol expressions, phrases, and appropriate cultural contexts.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Welcome to Kreyol Pale, Kreyol Konprann, Shop KreyolPaleKreyolKonprann!
On the other blogs, you will find lessons in English and Spanish so more and more people can have free access to the language.