Book Review
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"Earthquakes & Tsunamis: Where Were You? Ki Kote Nou Te Ye?....Haitian Children Quake Survivors' Prayers for Japanese Children is a children's and Young Adult (YA) book. Where Were You? Ki Kote Nou Te Ye? Dónde Estuvieron? Earthquakes, Tsunami Stories, and Prayers from Chilean, Haitian, and New Zealand Children to Japanese Children is a children's and young adult book that allows children who survive natural disasters to tell their stories and talk about their fears and hope for a better tomorrow. In Where Were You? Ki Kote Nou Te Ye? Dónde Estuvieron?, Haitian children who survived a 35-second quake talk about their chain of events and send payers and comfort to Japanese children who went through a 5-minute quake, dvastating inland tsunami, and fear of nuclear radiation. Visit or or to find additional Haitian Creole resources."
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